Friday, March 27, 2015

(C'mon) Get Happy!!

eXtreme challenge 11: take the happiness challenge

A couple of weeks ago I did something that is on my top 10 list of things that make me happy.  I hung out with a new mommy friend, learned more about life and in turn, learned more about the human psyche as a whole.  As this is one of my top "happy things" - that night got me thinking about the state of joy and bliss... What is the pursuit of happiness all about?

Exactly a year ago I took some time to explore this further - the pursuit of happiness.  When I was younger I always felt that this phrase was a bit silly.  It was black and white to me - either you are happy, or you are not.  Being happy was not something that you needed to seek out.  To me it was just the natural state of mind.  A year ago I would of said the same until one day I was driving and realized that I have a bad case of road rage.  I can admit this now, but at the time I thought - "why would I have road rage?  I love driving. It is relaxing, boundless, invigorating, exci-----errr---- wait, what am I saying? I love driving on long road trips - not in this bumper to bumper urban wasteland." And this is where it hit me.  Maybe happiness could rely on your immediate situation, place in life - maybe it was something that at times could be pursued.

I started to investigate happiness.  I looked up definitions from Rhodes Scholars to Forbes submissions to song writers.  I was looking for everyone's input on the subject.  I asked friends, family, cab drivers - what made them happy in life, marriage, love, play,etc.  The focus group results were all over the board and if anything the only common themes that I could piece together were: people, love and letting go.  At least one and especially all three, would bring nothing but sheer bliss.

Seems pretty simple right?

Well this is where the pursuit comes into play.  Maintaining great people in your life, discovering love and selfishly letting go are not as easy as one might think.  And then I came across it.  The Happiness Challenge.

The Happiness Challenge is 5 key steps to do daily to increase our experience of happiness.

The Happiness Challenge
Do these steps for 21 days, and you will begin to see a lasting shift in your mindset towards more positivity.  
1) Bring gratitude to mind – Write down three NEW things that you are grateful for each day
2) Journal – About a positive experience you've had recently for 2 minutes once a day
3) Exercise – Engage in 15 minutes of mindful cardio activity
4) Meditate – Watch your breath go in and out for 2 minutes a day and
5) Engage in a random, conscious act of kindness – Write a 2-minute positive email thanking a friend or colleague, or compliment someone you admire on social media

I completed the happiness challenge last April.  The experience was uplifting, eye opening and while I didn't really cure my road rage issues, the gratitude and keeping a journal helped me to find that there are some fundamentals things that make me happy. My top 10 happy things are shared below.  The goal is to find ways to keep these things in my life.  Do them often. It is necessary.

Take the Happiness Challenge and share what you've learned.  Tell me the top 10 happy things that bring you pure bliss.

My Top 10 Happy Things
10.Solving problems, finding solutions
9. Swimming/floating underwater
8. Laughing so hard my belly hurts
7. Getting a massage
6. Hosting parties (Breakfast at Tiffany's, yo!)
5. Enjoy LIFE: Sleep in the sun, look up at the stars, stop to smell the roses, and of course wine
4. Singing on stage
3. Helping others
2. Traveling to a new city and doing something I have never done before
1. Enjoying my family and friends
